Optimizing the implementation of integrated health promotion packages: an analysis in the context of intersectoral health policymaking in 34 Dutch projects of the governmental program Gezonde Slagkracht

Kimberly Milukia Grêaux

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal

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There are significant public health issues worldwide resulting from non-communicable diseases primarily caused by unhealthy behaviours such as poor diet, prolonged sitting, and excessive alcohol and drug use. A modern approach to addressing these issues seems to be intersectoral health policymaking. This requires collaboration with various partners from different sectors, in addition to public health, to implement integrated health promotion packages targeting both personal and environmental behavioural determinants. These interventions include various change methods (e.g. educational, regulation, or adjustments in the physical environment) situated in various settings (e.g. schools, supermarkets, and community centres). The aim of this research was to contribute to optimizing the implementation of integrated health promotion packages in local intersectoral health policymaking. In total, 34 project leaders and involved policy network partners and implementers of these intervention packages.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Maastricht University
  • de Vries, N.K., Supervisor
  • van Assema, Patricia, Supervisor
  • Bessems, Kathelijne, Co-Supervisor
Award date20 Nov 2023
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Implementation
  • integrated intervention packages
  • local intersectoral health policy
  • intervention-context interactions


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