Identifying characteristics of a skilled communicator in the clinical encounter

Verheijden Michelle*, Giroldi Esther, Eertwegh van den Valerie, Luijkx Marscha, Weijden van der Trudy, Bruin de Anique, Angelique Timmerman

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BACKGROUND: In medical communication research, there has been a shift from 'communication skills' towards 'skilled communication', the latter implying the development of flexibility and creativity to tailor communication to authentic clinical situations. However, a lack of consensus currently exists what skilled communication entails. This study therefore aims to identify characteristics of a skilled communicator, hereby contributing to theory building in communication research and informing medical training.

METHOD: In 2020, six Nominal Group Technique (NGT) sessions were conducted in the context of the General Practitioner (GP) training program engaging 34 stakeholders (i.e. GPs, GP residents, faculty members, and researchers) based on their experience and expertise in doctor-patient communication. Participants in each NGT session rank-ordered a 'top 7' of characteristics of a skilled communicator. The output of the NGT sessions was analysed using mixed methods, including descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis during an iterative process.

RESULTS: Rankings of the six sessions consisted of 191 items in total, which were organized into 41 clusters.. Thematic content analysis of the identified 41 clusters revealed nine themes describing characteristics of a skilled communicator: (A) Being sensitive and adapting to the patient; (B) Being proficient in applying interpersonal communication; (C) Self-awareness, learning ability, and reflective capacity; (D) Being genuinely interested; (E) Being proficient in applying patient-centred communication; (F) Goal-oriented communication; (G)Being authentic ; (H) Active listening; (I) Collaborating with the patient.

CONCLUSIONS: We conceptualize a skilled communication approach based on the identified characteristics in the present study to support learning in medical training. In a conceptual model, two parallel processes are key in developing adaptive expertise in communication: (1) being sensitive and adapting communication to the patient, and (2) monitoring communication performance in terms of self-awareness and reflective capacity. The identified characteristics and the conceptual model provide a base to develop a learner-centred program, facilitating repeated practice and reflection. Further research should investigate how learners can be optimally supported in becoming skilled communicators during workplace learning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)418-429
Number of pages12
JournalMedical Education
Issue number5
Early online date12 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


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