Designing work for inclusiveness

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

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Since everybody is expected to participate in our society this implies that everybody should have an opportunity to participate. Participation is generally operationalized by having a paid job. This is currently not achievable for a large group because the current jobs on the competitive labor market do not match with their competences. This chapter describes an approach in which organizations can create jobs for people with a distance to the labor market. This means that the social dialogue should take place within organizations: management and workers’ representatives should agree that processes within the organization are adopted to accommodate and include people with a distance to the labor market. This will allow organizations to become ‘inclusive organizations’. The chapter describes the approach and provides examples. First, it includes some background information as to why work has become so complex, and subsequently it presents the underlying principles of the proposed method.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationShaping inclusive workplaces through social dialogue
EditorsAlicia Arenas, Donatella Di Marco, Lourdes Munduate, Martin C. Euwema
ISBN (Electronic)9783319663937
ISBN (Print)9783319663920
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series

SeriesIndustrial Relations & Conflict Management


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