Projects per year
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ENSURED: Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European Union Support for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance (ENSURED)
Dijkstra, H. (Primary Investigator), Weinhardt, C. (Co-Primary Investigator), Heinzel, M. (Co-Investigators), Tsourdi, L. (Co-Investigators), Verhaegen, S. (Co-Investigators), Fernández, Ó. (Co-Investigators) & Peerboom, F. (Co-Investigators)
1/11/23 → 31/10/26
Project: Research
GUD EU Law: Governing the Urban Dimension of EU law
Colombo, C. (Primary Investigator)
European Research Executive Agency
1/06/23 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
REMIT: Reignite Multilateralism via Technology (REMIT)
Haar, R. (Primary Investigator), Lo, C. (Co-Investigators), Vanhoonacker, S. (Co-Investigators), Yang, H. (Co-Investigators), Qiao, S. (Co-Investigators) & Bilotta, N. (Primary Investigator)
1/03/23 → 28/02/27
Project: Research
Not started
Unsustainable urban mobility in EU cities: explaining challenges of multi-level coordination
Colombo, C. (Primary Investigator) & Dijk, M. (Primary Investigator)
Project: Research
NestIOr: Who gets to live forever? Toward an Institutional Theory on the Decline and Death of International Organisations
Dijkstra, H. (Primary Investigator), Debre, M. (Co-Investigators), Ghassim, F. (Co-Investigators), von Allwörden, L. (Co-Investigators), Schütte, L. (Co-Investigators) & Zaccaria, G. (Co-Investigators)
1/01/19 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities
Levels, M. (Primary Investigator), Montizaan, R. (Co-Primary Investigator) & Fouarge, D. (Co-Primary Investigator)
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
MiLifeStatus: Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition
Vink, M. (Primary Investigator), de Groot, G. (Co-Investigators), de Hoon, M. (Co-Investigators), Falcke, S. (Co-Investigators), Levels, M. (Co-Investigators), Peters, F. (Co-Investigators) & Schmeets, H. (Co-Investigators)
1/08/16 → 31/07/21
Project: Research