Variations in housing satisfaction and health status in four lower socio-economic housing typologies in the eThekwini Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal

Prishah Narsai*, Myra Taylor, Champaklall Jinabhai, Fred Stevens

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A study was done in the Durban Area, South Africa amongst residents (n=300) of four lower socio-economic housing typologies: Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses, informal settlements (IS), traditional rural houses (TR) and inner-city apartments (IC). Respondents living in IC were most satisfied with their dwellings, those living in RDP houses and in IS were the least satisfied. People living in the IC perceived their health best, while those living in IS perceived it as worst. Major reasons for dissatisfaction with housing were pest infestation in their dwelling in the past 12 months, inadequate toilet facilities, high temperature, unclean neighbourhood, poor ventilation and dust. Pest infestation and poor ventilation were mentioned most frequently by flat dwellers whilst RDP, IS and TR households complained about inadequate toilet facilities. For many people living in low socio-economic housing, both housing and service provision remain inadequate.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367-385
JournalDevelopment Southern Africa
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2013


  • lower socio-economic
  • housing typologies
  • built environment
  • basic service

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