Understanding the system dynamics of obesity-related behaviours in 10-to 14-year-old adolescents in Amsterdam from a multi-actor perspective

Angie Luna Pinzon*, Karien Stronks, Helga Emke, Emma van den Eynde, Teatske Altenburg, S. Coosje Dijkstra, Carry M. M. Renders, Roel Hermans, Vincent Busch, Mai J. M. Chinapaw, Stef P. J. Kremers, Wilma Waterlander

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Introduction and MethodsTo develop an understanding of the dynamics driving obesity-related behaviours in adolescents, we conducted systems-based analysis on a causal loop diagram (CLD) created from a multi-actor perspective, including academic researchers, adolescents and local stakeholders. ResultsThe CLD contained 121 factors and 31 feedback loops. We identified six subsystems with their goals: (1) interaction between adolescents and the food environment, with profit maximisation as goal, (2) interaction between adolescents and the physical activity environment, with utility maximisation of outdoor spaces as goal, (3) interaction between adolescents and the online environment, with profit maximisation from technology use as goal, (4) interaction between adolescents, parenting and the wider socioeconomic environment, with a goal focused on individual parental responsibility, (5) interaction between healthcare professionals and families, with the goal resulting in treating obesity as an isolated problem, and (6) transition from childhood to adolescence, with the goal centring around adolescents' susceptibility to an environment that stimulates obesity-related behaviours. DiscussionAnalysis showed that inclusion of the researchers' and stakeholders' perspectives contributed to an understanding of how the system structure of an environment works. Integration of the adolescents' perspective enriched insights on how adolescents interact with that environment. The analysis further showed that the dynamics driving obesity-related behaviours are geared towards further reinforcing such behaviours.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1128316
Number of pages14
JournalFrontiers in Public Health
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2023


  • overweight and obesity
  • adolescents
  • systems thinking
  • complex systems
  • causal loop diagram
  • system dynamics


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