Understanding Smokers' Motivations to Use Evidence-based Smoking Cessation Aids

Roy A. Willems*, Marc C. Willemsen, Gera E. Nagelhout, Hein de Vries

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Use of evidence-based smoking cessation aids (SCA) is an efficacious way to improve smoking cessation relapse rates. However, use of SCA in the Netherlands is particularly low. This study examined determinants of intention to use SCA in smokers willing to quit. The Dutch Continuous Survey of Smoking Habits, a cross-sectional population survey, was used. Respondents were smokers (n = 594) wanting to quit sometime in the future and who made at least one quit attempt in the past, categorized as past users of evidence-based SCA, past users of nonevidence-based SCA, and smokers who had never used SCA before (nonusers). Respondents were asked about past SCA use, motivational determinants regarding smoking cessation and SCA use, and intention to use SCA during a future quit attempt. Older and more addicted smokers were more likely to have used evidence-based SCA. Evidence-based and nonevidence-based users reported stronger attitudes and perceived social norm as well as lower self-efficacy expectations regarding smoking cessation and SCA use than nonusers. Having positive outcome expectations and perceived social norm regarding SCA use were strong predictors of intention to use SCA. Self-efficacy regarding smoking cessation was negatively related with intention to use SCA. Nonusers, nonevidence-based users, and evidence-based users have different motivations for using evidence-based SCA and should not be treated as a homogenous group in smoking cessation programs. Additionally, it is unclear whether nonusers should be encouraged to use SCA, given that this group is less addicted and more confident about quitting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-176
JournalNicotine & Tobacco Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013

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