The use of kinematic and parametric information to highlight lack of movement and compensation in the upper extremities during activities of daily living

A. Murgia*, P. Kyberd, T. Barnhill

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A problem that is common to the study of upper limb kinematics and gait analysis is the translation of the evidence from kinematic measurements into easily interpretable information on the status of the patient, such as the amount of compensation or lack of motion. In this study parameters that can be helpful in the rapid and clear identification of limited wrist motion and compensation were derived from kinematic data. A group of six subjects (group A) with no hand impairment, average age 32.5 ys SD 10.7 ys, and another group of five subjects (group B), average age 34.2 ys SD 16.8 ys, having suffered from distal radius fracture were tested during a cyclic activity of daily living. The activity simulated page turning. Thorax, shoulder, elbow and wrist angles were measured during this task using a motion capture system. Corresponding angle ranges were also calculated. The active range of motion (AROM) found for Group B was generally lower than that of Group A, particularly for elbow supination and wrist movements, with wrist flexion/extension statistically smaller for group B (P=0.02). Additional parameters that took into account lack of movements at the wrist and compensation from shoulder elevation, rotation and elbow pronation/supination proved to be more useful at identifying those subjects of group B outside the normative range and can provide clinicians with a rapid and efficient tool that can shorten the analysis process and help make more informed decisions on therapeutic treatments.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)300-6
JournalGait & Posture
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010

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