The art of nudging: increasing healthy eating among students in an educational setting

Christine Kawa

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal

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Do simple and subtle changes in the living and study environment improve the eating behaviour of students in an educational setting? This dissertation provides a not-so-simple answer to this simple question based on the outcomes of four studies that explore the effects and design of artwork nudges (specifically the artwork of Alberto Giacometti) on the eating behaviour of students by applying different research designs. Study 1 explores the effects of a Giacometti-like nudge (a more contemporary version of the original nudge) regarding the dietary behaviour of high school students in a controlled setting. Study 2 applies different artwork nudges within a virtual vignette setting to measure their effects on virtual meal choices made. Also, the degree to which individuals were aware of the nudge’s presence is included as an influential factor in nudge effectiveness. Study 3 assesses the susceptibility to nudges as measured with a questionnaire. Susceptibility to nudges is defined as nudgeability. Study 4 assesses the effects of the original Giacometti nudge in a real-world university cafeteria setting. Specifically, the immediate and sustained effects of the original Giacometti nudge on students’ meal purchases in the university cafeteria are considered. In addition, the role of awareness of the nudge’s presence as well as the acceptance of this specific nudge are discussed. The conclusion is drawn that the original Giacometti nudge should only be applied in an educational setting to improve healthy eating behaviour if the intended target groups and environment meet certain conditions. Artwork nudges in general should be applied only after rigorous testing of various types of different nudges and more research reflecting healthy eating in its entirety.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Maastricht University
  • Gijselaers, Wim, Supervisor
  • Nijhuis, J.F.H., Co-Supervisor, External person
  • Ianiro-Dahm, Patrizia M, Co-Supervisor, External person
Award date30 Nov 2023
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Nudging
  • eating behavior
  • students
  • health intervention

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