Technology & environment : some possible damaging effects of technological change in advanced and opulent societies

M. Coccia

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An interesting problem is the analysis of effects of the predominant impact of technological change on the health of societies. This study considers technological change as the human activity that generates a huge impact on societies and causes environmental disorders affecting the health of population. In particular, technical innovations support the industrialisation and human development, which by a social change based on population growth, mass production and consumption, and resources depletion, engenders pollution and several environmental carcinogens. This study shows that a main effect of the critical impact of technological change on societies is the high cancer incidence of population living in industrialised areas of opulent and advanced countries. Vital empirical evidence and linkages between observed facts endeavour to explain the major relationships concerning the interactions among technology, ecosystems and the health of societies.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014

Publication series

SeriesUNU-MERIT Working Papers


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