Selectivity for Specific Cardiovascular Effects of Vagal Nerve Stimulation With a Multi-Contact Electrode Cuff

Simone C. M. A. Ordelman*, Lilian Kornet, Richard Cornelussen, Hendrik P. J. Buschman, Peter H. Veltink

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The cardiovascular system can be influenced by electrically stimulating the vagal nerve. Selectivity for specific cardiac fibers may be limited when stimulating at the cervical level. Our objective was to increase effectiveness and selectivity for cardiovascular effects of vagal nerve stimulation by using local bipolar stimulation in one nerve cross section using a multi-contact cuff instead of less localized stimulation using a tripolar ring electrode. Both types of cuff electrodes were compared with respect to their relative effects on R-R interval (RRI), P-Q interval (PQI), left ventricular contractility (LVC), and left ventricular pressure (P(LV)) in seven pigs. Stimulation using the optimal bipolar configuration on the multi-contact cuff significantly affected RRI, PQI, LVC, and P(LV), whereas stimulation with the ring electrode only significantly affected RRI and PQI. The cardiovascular parameters that could be significantly influenced varied between the bipolar configurations. These novel findings may be relevant for optimizing electrode configurations for clinical cardiac applications of vagal nerve stimulation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)32-36
JournalIeee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


  • Biomedical electrodes
  • cardiovascular system
  • electrical stimulation
  • vagus nerve


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