Samenwerken met Veilig Thuis: wat gaat goed en wat kan er beter?

Translated title of the contribution: Collaboration with Safe at Home: what goes well and what can be improved?

Anne Custers - Weijs*, L. Oosterwijk, P. Beker, Dorothea van der Aa - van Zeben

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Despite the introduction of the reporting code on domestic violence and child abuse in the netherlands, physicians seem to under-report child abuse. Individual barriers as well as the quality of collaboration with the advice and reporting centers for domestic violence and child abuse (veilig thuis, vt) may play an important role. This study was designed in order to gain insight in this collaboration and to develop a best practice to improve it. A second aim is to investigate personal experiences with signaling and dealing with child abuse. An online questionnaire was sent to employees of vt (vte’s, n = 13) and physicians that work with children (n = 623) in south limburg. Respectively 13 (87%) and 128 individuals (20%) completed the questionnaire. Physicians indicate the need for more information about vt, and a 24/7 service. Vte’s indicate that both the availability of physicians and their knowledge of the reporting code and tasks of vt could be optimized. Based on the results, a regular meeting with general practitioners, preventive health care doctors and vte’s is initiated to learn about each other’s responsibilities, experiences and mutual expectations. In addition, regional training will be organized for all physicians.
Translated title of the contributionCollaboration with Safe at Home: what goes well and what can be improved?
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)66–72
JournalTSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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