Recommendations For The Forensic Evaluation Of The Testimony In Cases Of False Memories

Adriana Selaya*, Henry Otgaar, Manuel Vilarino

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Different court cases from the 1980s known as the 'daycare abuse cases' are reviewed. In these cases, the alleged victims were interviewed with suggestive questioning, resulting in likely false memories and wrongful convictions. In addition, an Italian case in which a therapist has recently been convicted related to false memory controversy is discussed. Specifically, the therapist was convicted for implanting false memories of sexual abuse in an adolescent by using suggestive techniques to 'recover' memories that he considered repressed in the unconscious. To contribute to the prevention of such cases, a revision of recommendations for the improvement of the forensic evaluation are presented. These recommendations constitute a compilation of those that are being proposed in European countries when assessing court cases in which false memories may have been potentially implanted. Thus, we recommend using an alternative scenario building approach, in-depth analysis of the disclosure context and involvement of an additional expert to act as a reviewer of the report. In addition, a review of recommendations designed to improve the drafting of expert reports is included. All of these recommendations would contribute to the reduction of cognitive biases that may affect judgements both before and during the assessment. The implications that adopting these recommendations could have for both the justice system and the individuals are included, such as the reduction of wrongful convictions. Finally, it is highlighted the need for the creation of spaces in which to assist victims of false memories. Additionally, it is highly recommended the foundation of expert committees which could assist courts in equivocal cases, in which possible suggestive influences are detected.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-28
Number of pages10
JournalAccion Psicologica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


  • false memory
  • expert witness
  • memory
  • legal decision-making

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