Real-world experience: Introduction of T cell replete haploidentical transplantations in a single center

Gwendolyn van Gorkom*, Evy Billen, Catharina Van Elssen, Michel van Gelder, Gerard Bos

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe real-world data on outcomes of T cell replete haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) after the introduction of this modality in a single center and to compare them with different donor types.

Method: Outcomes of 30 consecutive patients with hematological malignancies that received T cell replete haploidentical HSCT with posttransplantation cyclophosphamide (PTCY) from 2016 to 2018 in our center were analyzed and compared to the outcome of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-related and unrelated matched donor HSCT (n = 97) and to a historical cohort of T cell depleted haploidentical HSCT (n = 11).

Results: One year graft-versus-host-free, relapse-free survival in haploidentical HSCT was comparable with other donor types (haplo 40%, matched related donor [MRD] 33%, matched unrelated donor [MUD] 25%, p = 0.55). Non relapse mortality was high in haploidentical HSCT (50%), mostly due to infectious complications. However, relapse rates were only 3%, and OS and progression-free survival after 1 year were 47% and thereby also similar to HLA-matched HSCT in our center (MRD 53%, MUD 48%).

Conclusion: Our data show that T cell replete haploidentical HSCT has similar outcomes to HLA identical HSCT after introduction in our center. More strict adaptation on infection prevention was a crucial aspect of our learning curve. Overall, this type of transplantation is a feasible option when lacking an HLA-identical donor. This option has advantages over an unrelated donor as it brings less logistical challenges than MUD transplantations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)440-448
Number of pages9
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021

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