Quality of acute internal medicine: A patient-centered approach. Validation and usage of the Patient Reported Measure-acute care in the Netherlands

Marjolein N. T. Kremers*, Elsemieke E. M. Mols, Yvonne A. E. Simons, Sander M. J. van Kuijk, Frits Holleman, Prabath W. B. Nanayakkara, Harm R. Haak

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Providing high quality care is important and has gained more attention since the introduction of value-based healthcare. Value should be measured by outcomes achieved, relevant for patients. Patient-centeredness is one domain for quality improvement determined by the Institute of Medicine, aiming to deliver care responsive to the patient. The development and implementation of patient reported outcome- and experience measures can be used for this goal. Recently, we developed the Patient Reported Measure (PRM)-acute care, based on five relevant domains to evaluate and improve the quality of care in the Emergency Department (ED).


To validate the PRM-acute care, in order to evaluate and improve patient-centered care in the ED.


We performed a prospective questionnaire-based study. Patients >= 18 years presenting for internal medicine in the ED were eligible. The validity of the PRM-acute care was evaluated according to the COSMIN-criteria. We performed hypotheses testing to evaluate construct validity. The perceived quality of care was evaluated by statistical analysis.


Face- and content validity was evaluated based on previously performed research and deemed good. Construct validity was supported by demonstrated differences between subgroups; patients with severe symptoms had a higher perceived quality of care. The correlation between overall satisfaction and the total mean score of the PRM-acute care (r = 0,447, p = 0.01) was significant. Overall, patients reported a mean perceived quality of care of 4.67/6.0.


The PRM-acute care is a valid instrument to measure the perceived quality of care in an acute setting for internal medicine patients. Additionally, patients reported a good perceived quality of care in the ED with scores ranging from moderate to well for each of the relevant domains. Therefore, we believe that the PRM-acute care can be implemented in daily practice to evaluate the perceived quality of care and to improve the quality of acute care.

Original languageEnglish
Article number0242603
Number of pages14
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020




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