PyRadGUI: A GUI based radiomics extractor software

Umesh Sherkhane, Ashish Jha*, Sneha Mithun - Nair, Vinay Jaiswar, Alberto Traverso, Leonard Wee, Venkatesh Rangarajan, Andre Dekker

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Radiomics is the method of extracting high throughput mathematical and statistical features from medical images. These features have the potential to characterize the underlying pathology of the disease that is inappreciable to a trained human eye. There are several open-source and licensed tools to extract radiomic features such as pyradiomics, LIFEx, TexRAD, and RaCat. Although pyradiomics is a widely used radiomics package by researchers, this software is not very user-friendly and can be run using a command line. We have developed and validated the GUI tool, PyRadGUI to make the radiomics software easy to operate. This software adheres to IBSI radiomic feature definition and implements the radiomic pipeline in batch processing to extract radiomic features from multiple patient’s data and stores it in a comma separated value (CSV). We validated PyRadGUI software with the existing pyradiomic pipeline.
Original languageEnglish
Article number259
Number of pages11
Issue number:259
Early online date10 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • 3DSlicer
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • machine learning
  • plastimatch
  • pyradiomics
  • radiomics

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