Promoting informed decision-making about maternal pertussis vaccination in Centering Pregnancy group-antenatal care: A feasibility study

Charlotte Anraad*, Pepijn van Empelen, Robert A.C. Ruiter, Marlies Rijnders, Katja van Groessen, Jeroen Pronk, Hilde van Keulen

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PROBLEM: Effective interventions are needed to promote informed decision making about vaccination. BACKGROUND: We developed a group-antenatal care (CP; Centering Pregnancy) intervention, i.e., a session about MPV within existing group-care settings, to promote informed decision making about Maternal Pertussis Vaccination in the Netherlands. AIM: This study aimed to assess (1) to what extent the intervention was implemented as intended, (2) to what extent the intervention met the needs and wishes of pregnant individuals and midwives facilitating CP. METHODS: We conducted exploratory interviews with 6 CP facilitators and 10 CP participants to assess the implementation of the intervention, and how the intervention and its different components were perceived. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. In addition, we conducted a pre- and post-intervention survey amongst 35 participants, measuring knowledge about MPV, and MPV attitude and intention. RESULTS: The CP intervention was implemented as intended in 6 out of 7 groups. Participants were positive about the interactive CP-methods used to discuss MPV. Participants and facilitators evaluated the intervention as positive and relevant, although the intervention was time-consuming, and some participants had already made the de decision about MPV. Those who had not yet decided indicated that the session was helpful for their decision. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Discussing MPV in CP care settings is a feasible strategy to support decision making about MPV during pregnancy. The intervention could be improved by discussing the MPV sooner than 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. A larger-scale study is needed to assess effects on MPV uptake and informed decision making.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103869
Number of pages9
Early online date3 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • Antenatal group care
  • Centering pregnancy
  • Informed decision making
  • Maternal pertussis vaccination
  • Vaccine hesitancy


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