Preimplantation genetic screening 2.0: the theory

Joep Geraedts*, Karen Sermon

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During the last fewyears a new generation of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) has been introduced. In this paper, an overview of the different aspects of this so-called PGS 2.0 with respect to the why (what are the indications), the when (which developmental stage, i.e. which material should be studied) and the how(which molecular technique should be used) is given. With respect to the aims it is clear that PGS 2.0 can be used for a variety of indications. However, the beneficial effect of PGS 2.0 has not been proved yet in RCTs. It is clear that cleavage stage is not the optimal stage for biopsy. Almost all advocates of PGS 2.0 prefer trophectoderm biopsy. There are many new methods that allow the study of complete aneuploidy with respect to one or more of the 24 chromosomes. Because of the improved vitrification methods, selection of fresh embryos for transfer is more and more often replaced by frozen embryo transfer. The main goal of PGS has always been the improvement of IVF success. However, success is defined by different authors in many different ways. This makes it very difficult to compare the outcomes of different studies. In conclusion, the introduction of PGS 2.0 will depend on the success of the new biopsy strategies in combination with the analysis of all 24 chromosomes. It remains to be seen which approach will be the most successful and for which specific groups of patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)839-844
JournalMolecular Human Reproduction
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


  • preimplantation genetic screening
  • blastocyst biopsy
  • array comparative genomic hybridization
  • aneuploidy
  • chromosomal abnormalities
  • comprehensive chromosome screening
  • polar body biopsy
  • blastomere biopsy


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