Patentes de segundo uso médico: estudo sobre argumentos positivos e negativos para a concessão do registro no Brasil

Translated title of the contribution: Second medical use patents: a study on positive and negative arguments for granting registration in Brazil

Ana Paula Gomes Pinto*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Second medical use patents in Brazil are a controversial issue in stu-dies of industrial property rights. There are several perspectives on this theme, with positive and negative arguments for granting this sort of patents in the country. The intent of this article is to describe the main points for and against the grant of this patent by the National Institute of Industrial Property . We conceptualize these patents according to three viewpoints. Then, we point out the positive and the ne-gative arguments, explaining each one. Finally, we use a judicial decision issued by the Federal Court of the 2nd Region s as a practical example. We attempt to foster this discussion on a national level
Translated title of the contributionSecond medical use patents: a study on positive and negative arguments for granting registration in Brazil
Original languagePortuguese
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Second Use


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