Natural hazards and education : the impact of floods on primary school education in Zambia

I.K. Conteh

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal

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    The study has been designed to investigate how floods affect primary education in the flood plains in Zambia. Both qualitative phenomenological and quantitative comparative methods were used for the study. Two communities with primary school going children (those affected by floods and those not affected by floods within a 5 years period) were investigated and compared. It was found out that children in the flood plains compared to those in the upper land have low net school enrolment, the rate of repeating classes is high, dropout rate is high and performance in national examination is low. This will affect human capital and development in the flood plain environment in the long run.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Maastricht University
    • Naudé, W., Supervisor, External person
    • Frerks, G., Supervisor, External person
    Award date16 Jun 2015
    Place of PublicationMaastricht
    Print ISBNs9789086663248
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • floods
    • education
    • disasters
    • natural hazards
    • vulnerability
    • coping mechanisms


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