Investigating work-related stress among health professionals at different hierarchical levels: A cross-sectional study

Karin A. Peter*, Jos M. G. A. Schols, Ruud J. G. Halfens, Sabine Hahn

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Aim: To determine the extent of stress at work among health professionals working in upper-, middle- and lower-management positions and those not working in management positions.

Design: Cross-sectional design and randomly selected hospitals, nursing homes and home care organizations.

Methods: The study sample included nursing staff and midwives, physicians, medical-technical and medical-therapeutic professionals at all hierarchical levels (N = 8,112). Data were collected using self-report questionnaires and analysed using multiple regression models.

Results: Health professionals in upper- and middle-management positions reported higher quantitative demands, severe work-private life conflicts (p <.05) as well as less role clarity in middle-management positions (B = -1.58,p <.05). In lower-management positions, health professionals reported higher physical (B = 3.80,p <.001) and emotional demands (B = 1.79,p <.01), stress symptoms (B = 1.81,p <.05) and job dissatisfaction (B = -1.17,p <.05). Health professionals without management responsibilities reported the poorest working conditions in relation to various stressors, job satisfaction (B = -5.20,p <.001) and health-related outcomes (e.g. burnout symptoms:B = 1.89,p <.01).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)969-979
Number of pages11
JournalNursing open
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020


  • nurses
  • nursing
  • stress
  • work
  • workforce

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