Influence of different modes of real time visual information on single aimed movements

R.R.A. van Doorn*, P.J.A. Unema

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This study shows that the difference in appearance between two types of computer generated real time visual information namely, cursor and trace feedback, becomes visible in the execution of aimed stylus movements. Movement execution was scrutinized by division into four relevant subsequent constituents on the basis of key kinematic events. As expected, the final section of a movement took more time and showed a larger number of adjustments in the cursor condition. Instead, the influence of trace feedback on movement execution became discernible in earlier sections of movement execution. When a combination of feedback types was employed, trace feedback seemed to dominate the impact on execution. Discussion focuses on the contribution of the present study to understanding the impact of specific features inherent to types of real time visual feedback, and the relevance of the present study's result to future research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-326
JournalActa Psychologica
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004

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