Impact of Pediatric Critical Care on the Family, Community, and Society.

L. H Romer, D.G. Nichols, J. Mesman, C. Woods Barthel, M. Norvell, M.J. Sacco, K. Johnson, J. Latour

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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■ PICU care involves multiple interfaces with the child, family, and community.
■ The model of family-centered care includes the specific context and needs of the family in the care plan.
■ Shared goals and wishes for the good of the child, and the use of templated approaches for conflict resolution can energize successful building of a therapeutic alliance between the child’s family and their PICU providers.
■ Early planning for disposition and special needs, including counseling, teaching, and training, is required to optimally provide for care beyond the PICU.
■ Posttraumatic stress disorder is a widely pervasive sequel of critical care that requires early intervention and long-term follow-up.
■ Skillful direction of care in the terminal scenario requires the empathetic anticipation of the needs of family and staff, and well-planned bereavement follow-up care.
■ Individualized approaches to self-care may help providers increase effectiveness and longevity on the job.
■ PICU practice offers the opportunity, beyond the walls of the hospital, for patient advocacy to decrease the incidence of childhood disease and injury.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoger’s Textbook of Pedriatric Care 5th edition
EditorsD.H. Shaffner, D.G Nichols
Place of PublicationDordrecht
PublisherWolters Kluwer
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)978-1451176629
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2016


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