Immunoperoxidase detection of 4-aminobiphenyl- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-DNA adducts in induced sputum of smokers and non-smokers

A. Besarati Nia, H.W.M. van Straaten, J.C.S. Kleinjans, F.J. van Schooten*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Tobacco smoke constituents, 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) possess carcinogenic properties as their reactive metabolites form DNA adducts. We studied the formation of 4-ABP- and PAH-DNA adducts in induced sputum, a non-invasively obtainable matrix from the lower respiratory tract, of smokers (n = 20) and non-smokers (II = 24) utilizing a semi-quantitative immunohistochemical peroxidase assay. Smokers had significantly higher levels of 4-ABP-DNA adducts as compared to non-smokers (0.08 +/- 0.02 versus 0.04 +/- 0.01, P = 0.001, density of immunohistochemical staining), and the levels of adducts were related to current smoking indices (cigarettes/day: r = 0.3, P = 0.04 and tar/day: r = 0.4, P = 0.02). Likewise, smokers had elevated levels of PAH-DNA adducts as compared to non-smokers, however, the differences was not statistically significant (0.13 +/- 0.02 versus 0.08 +/- 0.02, P = 0.07). The revels of PAH-DNA adducts were only significantly related to the amount of tar consumed per day (r = 0.4, P = 0.04) but not to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Neither the levels of 4-ABP-DNA adducts nor those of PAH-DNA adducts were related to smoking history index (pack years). Further, the levels of 4-ABP-DNA adducts were correlated with those of PAH-DNA adducts (r = 0.4, P = 0.02). We conclude that immunohistochemistry of 4-ABP-DNA adducts in induced sputum is a specific approach to assess current exposure to tobacco smoke in the lower respiratory tract, however, in the case of PAH-DNA adducts, such analysis is less specific as it does not explicitly reflect the magnitude of the exposure. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-135
Number of pages11
JournalMutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2000


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