How to turn a supertanker: mainstreaming climate objectives in the EU through independent institutions

Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paper


This paper analyzes to what extent two independent institutions of the EU, the European Central Bank and the Court of Justice of the European Union, are involved in, and are likely to promote or frustrate, the achievement of the goals of the European Green Deal. The analysis combines legal research into the mandate and tasks of these institutions, and the role these institutions have or are perceived to have in the EU. It finds that there are several (small) steps that these institutions can make that align both with their legal mandate and their own perceived role in the EU. Larger reforms of monetary and competition policy would require sustained transformations of the legal environment in which these institutions operate, and of their self-understanding.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherStudio Europa Maastricht
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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