Exploring the transfer of self-efficacy: academic self-efficacy predicts exercise and nutrition self-efficacy

Karlijn Massar*, Roos Malmberg

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In this research, we investigated the transfer of self-efficacy (SE) beliefs from one domain to another. Specifically, we explored whether academic SE beliefs might be able to predict exercise (Study 1) and nutrition (Study 2) SE. Additionally, to explore the underlying mechanisms, participants reported on domain confidence, perceived similarity and domain importance. Specifically, in Study 1, undergraduate students reported on their academic SE beliefs, confidence in the academic and exercise domains and their exercise SE beliefs (n=50). In Study 2, participants reported on their academic SE beliefs, confidence in the academic and nutrition domains and their nutrition SE beliefs (n=71). Moreover, in both studies, the perceived importance and the perceived similarity between domains were measured. Multiple regression analyses revealed that academic SE beliefs, academic confidence and exercise confidence were significant predictors of exercise SE beliefs (Study 1); for Study 2 nutrition SE was predicted by academic SE, academic confidence, nutrition confidence and nutrition importance diet. Additionally, we found a partial suppression effect in both studies: academic confidence strengthened the relationship between academic SE and exercise SE in Study 1, and between academic SE and nutrition SE in Study 2. Discussion focuses on the similarities and differences between the studies' results and the implications for the literature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)108-135
JournalRevista de Psicologia Social
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2017


  • confidence
  • metacognition
  • self-efficacy beliefs
  • transfer


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