Desmopressin in moderate hemophilia A patients: a treatment worth considering

Janneke I. Loomans, Marieke J. H. A. Kruip, Manuel Carcao, Shannon Jackson, Alice S. van Velzen, Marjolein Peters, Elena Santagostino, Helen Platokouki, Erik Beckers, Jan Voorberg, Johanna G. van der Bom, Karin Fijnvandraat*, RISE Consortium

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Desrnopressin increases endogenous factor VIII levels in hemophilia A. Large inter-individual variation in the response to desmopressin is observed. Patients with a lower baseline factor VIII activity tend to show a reduced response, therefore, desmopressin is less frequently used in moderate hemophilia A patients (baseline factor VIII activity 1-5 international units/deciliter), even though factor VIII levels may rise substantially in some of them. We aim to describe the response to desmopressin in moderate hemophilia A patients and to identify predictors. We selected data on 169 patients with moderate hemophilia from the multicenter Response to DDAVP In non-severe hemophilia A patients: in Search for dEterminants (RISE) cohort study. Adequate response to desmopressin was defined as a peak factor VIII level 30, and excellent response as 50 international units/deciliter after desmopressin administration. We used univariate and multiple linear regression techniques to analyze predictors of the peak factor VIII level. Response was considered. adequate in 68 patients (40%), of whom 25 showed excellent response (15%). Intravenous administration, age, pre-desmopressin factor VIII activity and von Willebrand factor antigen, peak von Willebrand factor activity and desmopressin-induced rise in von Willebrand factor antigen were significant predictors of peak factor VIII level and explained 65% of the inter-individual variation. In 40% of moderate hemophilia A patients, desmopressin. response was adequate, thus it is important not to withhold this group of patients from desmopressin responsiveness. Among the six predictors that we identified for desmopressin-induced factor VIII rise, factor VIII activity and desmo-Nessin-induced rise in von Willebrand factor antigen had the strongest effect.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)550-557
Number of pages8
JournalHaematologica-the Hematology Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2018


  • MILD


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