Design and baseline characteristics of the Food4Me study: a web-based randomised controlled trial of personalised nutrition in seven European countries

C. Celis-Morales, K.M. Livingstone, C.F.M. Marsaux, H. Forster, C.B. O'Donovan, C. Woolhead, A.L. Macready, R. Fallaize, S. Navas-Carretero, R. San-Cristobal, S. Kolossa, K. Hartwig, L. Tsirigoti, C.P. Lambrinou, G. Moschonis, M. Godlewska, A. Surwillo, K. Grimaldi, J. Bouwman, E.J. DalyV. Akujobi, R. O'Riordan, J. Hoonhout, A. Claassen, U. Hoeller, T.E. Gundersen, S.E. Kaland, J.N. Matthews, Y. Manios, I. Traczyk, C.A. Drevon, E.R. Gibney, L. Brennan, M.C. Walsh, J.A. Lovegrove, J. Alfredo Martinez, W.H. Saris, H. Daniel, M. Gibney, J.C. Mathers*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Improving lifestyle behaviours has considerable potential for reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases, promoting better health across the life-course and increasing well-being. However, realising this potential will require the development, testing and implementation of much more effective behaviour change interventions than are used conventionally. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a multi-centre, web-based, proof-of-principle study of personalised nutrition (PN) to determine whether providing more personalised dietary advice leads to greater improvements in eating patterns and health outcomes compared to conventional population-based advice. A total of 5,562 volunteers were screened across seven European countries; the first 1,607 participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited into the trial. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the following intervention groups for a 6-month period: Level 0-control group-receiving conventional, non-PN advice; Level 1-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake data alone; Level 2-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake and phenotypic data; and Level 3-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake, phenotypic and genotypic data. A total of 1,607 participants had a mean age of 39.8 years (ranging from 18 to 79 years). Of these participants, 60.9 % were women and 96.7 % were from white-European background. The mean BMI for all randomised participants was 25.5 kg m(-2), and 44.8 % of the participants had a BMI >/= 25.0 kg m(-2). Food4Me is the first large multi-centre RCT of web-based PN. The main outcomes from the Food4Me study will be submitted for publication during 2015.
Original languageEnglish
Article number450
Number of pages13
JournalGenes and nutrition
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015


  • Personalised nutrition
  • Web-based
  • Phenotype
  • Genotype
  • Randomised controlled trial

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