Corrigendum to "In-utero and childhood chemical exposome in six European mother-child cohorts" [Environ. Int. 121(Part 1) (2018) 751-763]

Line Småstuen Haug*, Amrit Kaur Sakhi, Enrique Cequier, Maribel Casas, Léa Maitre, Xavier Basagana, Sandra Andrusaityte, Georgia Chalkiadaki, Leda Chatzi, Muireann Coen, Jeroen de Bont, Audrius Dedele, Joane Ferrand, Regina Grazuleviciene, Juan Ramon Gonzalez, Kristine Bjerve Gutzkow, Hector Keun, Rosie McEachan, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Inga PetravicieneOliver Robinson, Pierre-Jean Saulnier, Rémy Slama, Jordi Sunyer, José Urquiza, Marina Vafeiadi, John Wright, Martine Vrijheid, Cathrine Thomsen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalErratum / corrigendum / retractionsAcademic


The authors regret that in the original research paper entitled “In-utero and childhood chemical exposome in six European mother-child cohorts” published in Environment International 121 (2018) 751–763, the lipid adjustments for POPs (i.e. PCB 118, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 170, PCB 180, DDT, DDE HCB, PBDE 47 and PBDE 153) performed in the central HELIX database were incorrect. All lipid adjusted concentrations should have been two times higher than reported in Table 2, Table 3, Table S7 and Table S8. Thus, the median concentration of DDE reported in Section 3.1 was incorrect. Below, text and corrected concentrations of POPs in Table 2, Table 3, Table S7 and Table S8 are presented. No other statements in the original paper are incorrect. 3.1. Maternal concentrations during pregnancy The concentration of DDE reported was incorrect. The correct second sentence is “The highest median concentrations within each group of contaminants were observed for DDE (105 ng/g lipid), PFOS (6.41 ng/mL), Pb (9.66 µg/L), MEP (179 µg/g creatinine), MEPA (167 µg/g creatinine) and DMP (8.37 µg/g creatinine).” Table 2. Corrected concentrations of POPs in blood samples from mothers and children in the HELIX sub cohort Table 3. Corrected median concentrations of POPs in blood samples from mothers and children in the six cohorts included in the HELIX sub cohort study. Table S7. Corrected concentrations of POPs in maternal blood per cohort.[Formula presented] Table S8. Corrected concentrations of POPs in child blood per cohort.[Formula presented] The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108376
Number of pages3
JournalEnvironment International
Early online date11 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


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  • In-utero and childhood chemical exposome in six European mother-child cohorts

    Haug, L. S., Sakhi, A. K., Cequier, E., Casas, M., Maitre, L., Basagana, X., Andrusaityte, S., Chalkiadaki, G., Chatzi, L., Coen, M., de Bont, J., Dedele, A., Ferrand, J., Grazuleviciene, R., Gonzalez, J., Gutzkow, K. B., Keun, H., McEachan, R., Meltzer, H. M. & Petraviciene, I. & 9 others, Robinson, O., Saulnier, P.-J., Slama, R., Sunyer, J., Urquiza, J., Vafeiadi, M., Wright, J., Vrijheid, M. & Thomsen, C., 1 Dec 2018, In: Environment International. 121, p. 751-763 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access

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