Assessing the efficacy of baselining in deception detection: A comparative analysis of the reality interview and structured interview

Glynis Bogaard*, Anne Margeet van de Bovekamp*, Kevin Colwell*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Detecting deception is challenging; there exists no universal cue that gives away deceit and people vary greatly in how they communicate. One way to potentially improve deception detection is by comparing multiple responses of the same individual to identify verbal deviations - a method known as baselining. This study examined the impact of baselining embedded in a specific interview protocol to improve lie detection. Participants (N = 179) viewed mock crimes and were instructed to lie or tell the truth about what they witnessed. Next, they were interviewed including a truthful baseline (Reality Interview Modified: RIM), or no baseline (Reality Interview: RI; Structured Interview: SI). Results showed that truth tellers in the SI and RI conditions provided more details than liars during free recall, while no detail differences emerged for the RIM condition. Follow-up questions in all conditions showed truth tellers offered more details than liars. Surprisingly, we found no evidence that verbal deviations from a baseline can be used as effective indicators of deception. In sum, further research is needed to explore the best application of baselining for lie detection purposes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104112
Number of pages10
JournalActa Psychologica
Early online dateDec 2023
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • Baselining
  • Deception detection
  • Reality interview
  • Verbal cues


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