An online self-care education program to support patients after total laryngectomy: feasibility and satisfaction

I.C. Cnossen, C. F. van Uden-Kraan, S.E. Eerenstein, F. Jansen, B. I. Witte, Martin Lacko, J.A. Hardillo, J. Honings, G.B. Halmos, N.L. Goedhart-Schwandt, R. de Bree, C.R. Leemans, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw*

*Corresponding author for this work

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of an online self-care education program supporting early rehabilitation of patients after total laryngectomy (TLPs) and factors associated with satisfaction.

Health care professionals (HCPs) were invited to participate and to recruit TLPs. TLPs were informed on the self-care education program "In Tune without Cords" (ITwC) after which they gained access. A study specific survey was used (at baseline T0 and postintervention T1) on TLPs' uptake. Usage, satisfaction (general impression, willingness to use, user-friendliness, satisfaction with self-care advice and strategies, Net Promoter Score (NPS)), sociodemographic, and clinical factors were analyzed.

HCPs of 6 out of 9 centers (67 % uptake rate) agreed to participate and recruited TLPs. In total, 55 of 75 TLPs returned informed consent and the baseline T0 survey and were provided access to ITwC (73 % uptake rate). Thirty-eight of these 55 TLPs used ITwC and completed the T1 survey (69 % usage rate). Most (66 %) TLPs were satisfied (i.e., score a parts per thousand yen7 (scale 1-10) on 4 survey items) with the self-care education program (mean score 7.2, SD 1.1). NPS was positive (+5). Satisfaction with the self-care education program was significantly associated with (higher) educational level and health literacy skills (P = .004, P = .038, respectively). No significant association was found with gender, age, marital status, employment status, Internet use, Internet literacy, treatment modality, time since total laryngectomy, and quality of life.

The online self-care education program ITwC supporting early rehabilitation was feasible in clinical practice. In general, TLPs were satisfied with the program.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1261-1268
Number of pages8
JournalSupportive Care in Cancer
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2016


  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Total laryngectomy
  • eHealth
  • Self-care
  • HEAD
  • LUNG

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