Aerobic fitness, energy balance, and body mass index are associated with training load assessed by activity energy expenditure

M. Tanskanen*, A.L. Uusitalo, K. Hakkinen, J. Nissila, M. Santtila, K.R. Westerterp, H. Kyrolainen

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    The present study examined whether activity energy expenditure related to body mass (AEE/kg) is associated with maximal aerobic fitness (VO(2max)), energy balance, and body mass index (BMI) during the 2 hardest weeks of the military basic training season (BT). An additional purpose was to study the accuracy of the pre-filled food diary energy intake. Energy expenditure (EE) with doubly labeled water, energy intake (EI), energy balance, and mis-recording was measured from 24 male conscripts with varying VO(2max). AEE/kg was calculated as (EE x 0.9-measured basal metabolic rate)/body mass. The reported EI was lower (P<0.001) than EE (15.48 MJ/day) and mis-recording of the pre-filled diary was -20%. The negative energy balance (-6+/-26%) was non-significant; however, the variation was high. The subjects with a low VO(2max), a high BMI, and a negative energy balance were vulnerable to low AEE/kg. However, in the multivariate regression analysis only BMI remained in the model, explaining 33% of the variation in AEE/kg. During wintertime BT, AEE/kg is affected by energy balance, VO(2max), and BMI. From these three factors, overweight limits high-level training the most. Furthermore, an optimal energy balance facilitates physical performance and enables high training loads to be sustained during the BT season.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)871-878
    JournalScandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009

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