A web-based program to improve treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: Development and study protocol

S. Vluggen*, C. Hoving, N. C. Schaper, H. de Vries

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Background Many patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) sub-optimally adhere to core treatment recommendations, such as healthy diets, sufficient physical activity and pharmacological support. This paper describes the development of the web-based computer-tailored program My Diabetes Profile (MDP), incorporating identified success factors of web-based interventions, and the protocol for testing the effectiveness of this program in a randomized multicentre trial.

Methods: Formative research - including the input of a program committee, qualitative and quantitative studies with patients and health professionals and a literature search - yielded input for the development of the MDP program. MDP provides video and text tailored advice, based on determinants and salient beliefs derived from the I-Change Model, on decreasing unhealthy snack intake, increasing physical activity, and improving adherence to both oral blood glucose lowering drugs and self-administered insulin therapy. Patients with T2DM recruited by practice nurses and diabetes nurses across the Netherlands fill in online questionnaires at baseline and six-months follow-up. Participants are randomized on patient level to the intervention group (access to the MDP program) or control group (receiving care as usual).

Discussion: The formative research using co-creation principles proved essential in the development of the MDP program and involved various disciplines in T2DM management including target group representatives. Co-creation revealed clearly that patients needed short and attractive messages. Consequently, a mix of video and short text messages were chosen for the ultimate program format. Pilot testing was useful to further shape the program to needs of patients and professionals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-45
Number of pages8
JournalContemporary Clinical Trials
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


  • Computer-tailoring
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Treatment adherence
  • Study protocol
  • Effect evaluation
  • Randomized controlled trial
  • RISK

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