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Search results

  • 2024

    Blood-based DNA methylation and exposure risk scores predict PTSD with high accuracy in military and civilian cohorts

    Wani, A., Katrinli, S., Zhao, X., Daskalakis, N., Zannas, A., Aiello, A., Baker, D., Boks, M., Brick, L., Chen, C.-Y., Dalvie, S., Fortier, C., Geuze, E., Hayes, J., Kessler, R., King, A., Koen, N., Liberzon, I., Lori, A. & Luykx, J. & 22 others, Maihofer, A., Milberg, W., Miller, M., Mufford, M., Nugent, N., Rauch, S., Ressler, K., Risbrough, V., Rutten, B., Stein, D., Stein, M., Ursano, R., Verfaellie, M., Ware, E., Wildman, D., Wolf, E., Nievergelt, C., Logue, M., Smith, A., Uddin, M., Vermetten, E. & Vinkers, C., 15 Feb 2024, Research Square Company.

    Research output: Working paper / PreprintPreprint

    Open Access