Data from: Acoustic and higher-level representations of naturalistic auditory scenes in human auditory and frontal cortex



This data set was analysed for the publication "Acoustic and higher-level representations of naturalistic auditory scenes in human auditory and frontal cortex" by Lars Hausfeld, Lars Riecke and Elia Formisano (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.02.065). Anatomical and functional MRI was acquired at 7 Tesla and over the course of 3 sessions for each participant. Participants listened to natural auditory scenes consisting of three sound sources: voice, instrument and pure tone. To reveal effects of selective attention, participants were asked to listen to one of the three sources by performing a task.

The dataset is arranged as follows:

- MRI data for each participant are contained in the participant-specific folders S[participant id]

- Information and design, stimulation protocols and sounds are contained in

- README files contain necessary information on the MRI acquisition, experimental design and the coding of conditions

Please note additional information in the original publication
Date made available20 Jul 2017

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