'Employability-miles' and worker employability awareness

R. Gerards*, A. de Grip, M. Witlox

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This article studies the use and impact of a (Employability-miles') voucher scheme. These vouchers could be used for participation in a restricted number of training courses, which all aim to stimulate employees to develop a more active attitude towards their own employability. Using data from two surveys of one firm's workforce, we find that voucher use is related to various personality traits and personal characteristics. In particular, a worker's ambition, goal setting and education level are positively related to voucher use. In addition, workers with longer tenure spend their vouchers more often. Conversely, workers with a more positive self-image as well as those who are negatively reciprocal spend their vouchers less often. The negative relation between voucher use and negative reciprocity suggests that workers who are more negatively reciprocal perceive the voucher as an HR tool for outplacement. Further, we find that voucher use positively affects worker employability awareness and willingness to train. Remarkably, participation in non voucher training shows little relation to personality traits. From a human resources (HR) perspective, this finding suggests that by employing a voucher scheme, the firm makes training participation more dependent on employee personality and individual characteristics instead of the HR development strategy of the firm.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)952-965
Number of pages14
JournalApplied Economics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2014


  • employability
  • voucher
  • training
  • human resource development
  • personality traits

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