Workplace indicators: Job satisfaction, turnover, and productivity

Iris Kranefeld, Miriam Schilbach*, Anja Baethge, Thomas Rigotti

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


This chapter reviews the current literature on how corporate psychopathy relates to job satisfaction, turnover, and productivity, all of which represent central indicators and determinants of organizational welfare and employee well-being. In this chapter, we address inter- as well as intrapersonal perspectives. That is, we elaborate how corporate psychopathy levels of one individual (e.g., a leader) may affect the relevant outcomes in other individuals (e.g., followers). Moreover, we summarize intrapersonal effects by describing how an individual's expression of psychopathy relates to outcomes within that person (e.g., job satisfaction). Finally, we will look at both global effects of psychopathy as well as describing how its constituent facets may relate differentially to outcomes and we will discuss relevant mechanisms and boundary conditions at the organizational- and person-level which may explain and moderate the relationship between psychopathy and job satisfaction, turnover, and productivity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPsychopathy in the Workplace
Subtitle of host publicationCoping Strategies for Employees
EditorsMarie-Line Germain
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9783031552144
ISBN (Print)9783031552137
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2024


  • Contextual factors
  • Corporate psychopathy
  • Intra- and inter-individual effects
  • Job satisfaction
  • Leadership
  • Mechanisms
  • Performance
  • Person-job fit
  • Productivity
  • Trait activation
  • Turnover
  • Turnover intention


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