When the body is the payment: taking a closer look at sextortion

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


Sextortion is a form of corruption that is shaped by gender and a complex system of intersecting vulnerabilities more than anything else. Sextortion (sexual extortion) takes place at the intersection of corruption and sexual violence and is most commonly defined as “the abuse of power to obtain a sexual favor”. Unfortunately, the traditional male centric view of corruption has thus far largely neglected the use of the (female) body as a form of payment in a corrupt act. Focusing on the few existing studies, this chapter discusses in more detail how and where sextortion occurs, who is most vulnerable to experience it, why it is important to call this form of corruption by a clearly defined name, and why it is essential to understand the role of (political) power in allowing sextortion to occur.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook on Gender and Corruption in Democracies
EditorsTiffany D. Barnes, Emily Beaulieu
PublisherEdward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (Electronic)9781803923246
ISBN (Print)9781803923239
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2024

Publication series

SeriesInternational Handbooks on Gender series


  • women in politics
  • accountability
  • sextortion
  • corruption and institutions
  • representation


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