Well-being in times of task restructuring: The buffering potential of workplace learning

Irina Nikolova*, Joris van Ruysseveldt, Hans De Witte, Jef Syroit

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In this paper, we focus on task restructuring as one of the most frequently occurring types of change in our contemporary knowledge society. In spite of its evident prevalence, research on task restructuring and employee well-being has been scarce until now. Based on Conservation of Resources (COR) theory and the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, we argue that task restructuring is negatively related with employee well-being (in terms of emotional exhaustion and vigour). Furthermore, we advance that opportunities for learning through reflection and experimentation, as well as recently acquired KSAOs can serve as buffers in the relationship between task restructuring and well-being. Hierarchical regression analyses and simple slope analyses were conducted in order to test the research hypotheses on a large sample of the Dutch working population (N = 1711). Task restructuring had a positive association with emotional exhaustion and a negative one with vigour. Furthermore, recently acquired KSAOs, as well as opportunities for reflection and experimentation, buffered the relationship between task restructuring and emotional exhaustion. Opportunities for reflection and experimentation moderated the relationship between task restructuring and vigour as well. This study suggests that workplace learning can mitigate the negative relationship between task restructuring and well-being.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-235
JournalWork and Stress
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


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