Unmet support needs relating to hypoglycaemia among adults with type 1 diabetes: Results of a multi-country web-based qualitative study

H. Chatwin*, M. Broadley, C. Hendrieckx, J. Carlton, S. Heller, S.A. Amiel, B.E. Galan, N. Hermanns, K. Finke-Groene, J. Speight, F. Pouwer, Hypo-RESOLVE Consortium

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Objective Hypoglycaemic episodes and fear of hypoglycaemia can be burdensome for adults with type 1 diabetes. This study explored support needs relating to hypoglycaemia among adults with type 1 diabetes living in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Research design and methods Respondents participated in a web-based qualitative study involving four open-ended questions that asked what they wished other people understood about hypoglycaemia and what other people could do differently to support them with hypoglycaemia. Responses were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results Participants were 219 adults with type 1 diabetes (mean +/- SD age 39 +/- 13 years; mean +/- SD diabetes duration 20 +/- 14 years). They described unmet needs relating to: (1) Clinical support, involving access to new diabetes technologies, training on hypoglycaemia prevention, personalised care and psychological support; (2) Practical support, involving family and friends better supporting them with hypoglycaemia management and prevention; (3) Education for other people, involving others becoming more informed about hypoglycaemia; and (4) An appreciation of the burden, involving others recognizing the experience and impact of episodes, and the burden of living with the risk of hypoglycaemia. Conclusions Adults with type 1 diabetes report several unmet support needs relating to hypoglycaemia. Service delivery should be person-centred and prioritise the individual's support needs. Clinical conversations are needed to identify the individual's support needs and develop tailored support plans. People with diabetes and their family members should be offered hypoglycaemia-specific education and training.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere14727
Number of pages11
JournalDiabetic Medicine
Issue number1
Early online date27 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022



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