Unique skin changes in a case of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy caused by a rare GNAS1 mutation

M. Klaassens, E. W. Blom, J. J. P. Schrander, Carrie Ris-Stalpers, A. C. Nieuwenhuijzen Kruseman, M. A. M. van Steensel, C. T. R. M. Schrander-Stumpel*

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Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) is a syndrome of short stature, obesity, brachydactyly and subcutaneous calcifications with pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP; leading to hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia and elevated levels of parathyroid hormone, PTH). It was first described over 60 years ago. Since then, much has been learned about the aetiology of AHO which has been shown to be caused by heterozygous loss-of-function mutations within the GNAS1 gene. GNAS1 is subject to imprinting leading to phenotypic heterogeneity within kindreds with one mutation. Patients with AHO often present with symptoms of hypocalcaemia and/or with subcutaneous calcifications. The latter is thought to be the typical skin abnormality in AHO. We describe a family with AHO and hormone resistance (PHP type Ia) resulting from a rare mutation in GNAS1. The proband presented with small subcutaneous calcifications in the helix of the right ear and concentrated in a sharply demarcated zone of subcutaneous and dermal hypoplasia. This abnormality has so far not been described in patients with AHO. We speculate on the mechanism of dermal hypoplasia and resistance to PTH and suggest that subcutanous or dermal hypoplasia might be another feature which can be present in patients with AHO.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)690-694
JournalBritish Journal of Dermatology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2010


  • Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
  • dermal hypoplasia
  • PHP1a
  • pseudohypoparathyroidism
  • skin changes


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