Transcranial alternating brain stimulation at alpha frequency reduces hemispatial neglect symptoms in stroke patients

T. Schuhmann*, F. Duecker, M. Middag-van Spanje, S. Gallotto, C. van Heugten, A.C. Schrijnemaekers, R. van Oostenbrugge, A.T. Sack

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Background/Objective: Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial alternat-ing current stimulation (tACS) may help alleviate attention deficits in stroke patients with hemi-spatial neglect by modulating oscillatory brain activity. We applied high-definition (HD)-tACS at alpha frequency over the contralesional hemisphere to support unilateral oscillatory alpha activ-ity and correct for the pathologically altered attention bias in neglect patients. Methods: We performed a within-subject, placebo-controlled study in which sixteen stroke patients with hem-ispatial neglect underwent 10 Hz (alpha) as well as sham (placebo) stimulation targeting the contralesional posterior parietal cortex. Attentional bias was measured with a computerized visual detection paradigm and two standard paper-and-pencil neglect tests. Results: We revealed a significant shift of attentional resources after alpha-HD-tACS, but not sham tACS, toward the ipsilateral and thus contralesional hemifield leading to a reduction in neglect symp-toms, measured with a computerized visual detection paradigm and a widely used standard paper and pencil neglect tests. Conclusions: We showed a significant alpha-HD-tACS-induced shift of attentional resources toward the contralesional hemifield, thus leading to a reduction in neglect symptoms. Importantly, HD-tACS effects persisted after the stimulation itself had ended. This tACS protocol, based on intrinsic oscillatory processes, may be an effective and well -toler-ated treatment option for neglect.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Original languageEnglish
Article number100326
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Issue number3
Early online dateAug 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2022


  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Transcranial alternat-ing current stimulation
  • Neuropsychology
  • Visuospatial neglect
  • TMS
  • FMRI
  • RTMS

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