Training and expectations on job mobility in the call centres sector

I.J.P. Sieben, A. de Grip

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Analyses whether the participation of workers in general, sector-specific, and firm-specific training affects their expectations on job mobility within or outside the call centres sector. Distinguishes between the perceived difficulty to find an equally attractive job and the inclination to quit for another job. Employing data on 525 call centre agents working in eight call centres in the netherlands, finds that training does not significantly affect the perceived labour market perspectives of call centre agents, nor influence expected job mobility inside or outside the sector. The inclination to quit the present job within two years is the same for agents with and without training. There is one exception, however. Agents who followed firm-specific training significantly less often considered quitting for a job in another call centre. All this is good news for firms offering training. Another finding, however, might be more problematic. The work experience of agents positively affects their labour market perspectives inside the sector. In addition, agents with more experience are more inclined to quit for a job in another call centre. This means that firms need to keep their employees satisfied.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)257-271
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of European Industrial Training
Issue number2/3/4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004


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