Towards a stakeholders' consensus on patient payment policy: the views of health care consumers, providers, insurers and policy makers in six Central and Eastern European countries

M. Tambor*, M. Pavlova, S. Golinowska, C. Sowada, W. Groot

*Corresponding author for this work

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Although patient charges for health-care services may contribute to a more sustainable health-care financing, they often raise public opposition, which impedes their introduction. Thus, a consensus among the main stakeholders on the presence and role of patient charges should be worked out to assure their successful implementation. Aimto analyse the acceptability of formal patient charges for health-care services in a basic package among different health-care system stakeholders in six central and eastern european countries (bulgaria, hungary, lithuania, poland, romania and ukraine). Methodsqualitative data were collected in 2009 via focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with health-care consumers, providers, policy makers and insurers. The same participants were asked to fill in a self-administrative questionnaire. Qualitative and quantitative data are analysed separately to outline similarities and differences in the opinions between the stakeholder groups and across countries. Resultsthere is a rather weak consensus on patient charges in the countries. Health policy makers and insurers strongly advocate patient charges. Health-care providers overall support charges but their financial profits from the system strongly affects their approval. Consumers are against paying for services, mostly due to poor quality and access to health-care services and inability to pay. Conclusionsto build consensus on patient charges, the payment policy should be responsive to consumers' needs with regard to quality and equity. Transparency and accountability in the health-care system should be improved to enhance public trust and acceptance of patient payments.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)475-488
JournalHealth Expectations
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015


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