Towards a proactive therapy utilizing the modern spectrum of extracorporeal life support: a single-centre experience

A. S. Sharma, P. W. Weerwind*, Y. M. Ganushchak, D. W. Donker, J. G. Maessen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Background: We describe a single-centre experience of extracorporeal life support (ELS) for patients with severe and refractory cardiogenic shock, refractory cardiac arrest and severe respiratory failure. Methods: Between September 2007 and September 2012, 56 intra-hospital and 10 inter-hospital adult patients were supported. Results: The median ELS duration was 3 (0.9 - 6) days in venoarterial and 9.2 (7.4 - 24.4) days in venovenous supported patients. At hospital discharge and follow-up (12 and 40 months), survival among the respiratory (venovenous) patients and cardiac (venoarterial) patients was 84% and 38%, respectively. Survival in severe refractory cardiogenic shock patients was related to early initiation of ELS (8 hours) and increased pre-ELS pH and lactate levels were associated with death in all cardiomyopathy patients, independent of infarct size. Conclusions: Our results exemplify the benefits of ELS as a bridge to initial stabilization of critically ill patients. Potentially, the early application of ELS technology can lower mortality and morbidity in patients with a regressive pathology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-118
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2015


  • adult
  • extracorporeal life support
  • initiation time
  • survival rate


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