The tumor suppressor folliculin regulates AMPK-dependent metabolic transformation

Ming Yan, Marie-Claude Gingras, Elaine A. Dunlop, Yann Nouet, Fanny Dupuy, Zahra Jalali, Elite Possik, Barry J. Coull, Dmitri Kharitidi, Anders Bondo Dydensborg, Brandon Faubert, Miriam Kamps, Sylvie Sabourin, Rachael S. Preston, David Mark Davies, Taren Roughead, Laetitia Chotard, Maurice A. M. van Steensel, Russell Jones, Andrew R. TeeArnim Pause*

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The Warburg effect is a tumorigenic metabolic adaptation process characterized by augmented aerobic glycolysis, which enhances cellular bioenergetics. In normal cells, energy homeostasis is controlled by AMPK; however, its role in cancer is not understood, as both AMPK-dependent tumor-promoting and -inhibiting functions were reported. Upon stress, energy levels are maintained by increased mitochondrial biogenesis and glycolysis, controlled by transcriptional coactivator PGC-1 alpha and HIF, respectively. In normoxia, AMPK induces PGC-1 alpha, but how HIF is activated is unclear. Germline mutations in the gene encoding the tumor suppressor folliculin (FLCN) lead to Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome, which is associated with an increased cancer risk. FLCN was identified as an AMPK binding partner, and we evaluated its role with respect to AMPK-dependent energy functions. We revealed that loss of FLCN constitutively activates AMPK, resulting in PGC-1 alpha-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis and increased ROS production. ROS induced HIF transcriptional activity and drove Warburg metabolic reprogramming, coupling AMPK-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis to HIF-dependent metabolic changes. This reprogramming stimulated cellular bioenergetics and conferred a HIF-dependent tumorigenic advantage in FLCN-negative cancer cells. Moreover, this pathway is conserved in a BHD-derived tumor. These results indicate that FLCN inhibits tumorigenesis by preventing AMPK-dependent HIF activation and the subsequent Warburg metabolic transformation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2640-2650
JournalJournal of Clinical Investigation
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


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