The quality of vocational education

M.E. van der Sluis

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal


    This PhD dissertation uses a vignette study to show that those people involved with vocational education place different emphases on the quality of a vocational degree programme. Policymakers believe it is important that sufficient diplomas be earned, students are concerned about having good lecturers, lecturers think it is important that the degree programme offers structure and workplace supervisors want to see a challenging curriculum.

    However, there is one aspect that everyone finds important: that employers be satisfied with the graduates. Subsequently the subject of the investigation has shifted to whether the concept of quality from a student perspective was mirrored by the choice of their study and what the government does to increase the quality of vocational education. By understanding the opinions and behaviour of persons concerned, the government can better reflect on its policies, implement them in an improved way and if possible, leave room for the educational institutions to implement educational programmes according to their own visions.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Maastricht University
    • Borghans, Lex, Supervisor
    • Reezicht, G., Co-Supervisor, External person
    Award date9 Jan 2015
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015


    • educational quality
    • vocational education
    • MBO
    • vignette study
    • education policy
    • school choice


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