The NCS code of practice for the quality assurance and control for volumetric modulated arc therapy

Anton Mans*, Danny Schuring, Mark P. Arends, Cornelia A. J. M. Vugts, Jochem W. H. Wolthaus, Heidi T. Lotz, Marjan Admiraal, Rob J. W. Louwe, Michel Öllers, Jeroen B. van de Kamer

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In 2010, the NCS (Netherlands Commission on Radiation Dosimetry) installed a subcommittee to develop guidelines for quality assurance and control for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatments. The report (published in 2015) has been written by Dutch medical physicists and has therefore, inevitably, a Dutch focus. This paper is a condensed version of these guidelines, the full report in English is freely available from the NCS website After describing the transition from IMRT to VMAT, the paper addresses machine quality assurance (QA) and treatment planning system (TPS) commissioning for VMAT. The final section discusses patient specific QA issues such as the use of class solutions, measurement devices and dose evaluation methods.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7221-7235
JournalPhysics in Medicine and Biology
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2016


  • volumetric modulated arc therapy
  • quality assurance
  • code of practice


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