The Impact of a Global Pandemic on the Uneasy Relation between PBL and Lectures in a Law Curriculum

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Traditional lecturing has traditionally been one of the most prevalent methods of instructions in law curricula. This tradition dates back a millennial. The method has also permeated into learning philosophies that stand at odds with this instruction method, such as Problem-Based Learning. In the article it is investigated why lecturing is used so widely, whether there are additional reasons to do so in the legal discipline and whether recent developments – most notably the Sars-COV-2 pandemic – would or should lead to a departure from this instruction method. It is concluded that lectures will probably prevail and that there is a place for this instruction method in Problem-Based Learning even more so in a legal curriculum.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-22
JournalEuropean Journal of Legal Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2022


  • lectures
  • problem-based learning
  • pandemic


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