Temporary end ileostomy with subcutaneously buried efferent limb: results and potential advantages

F. F. van der Sluis, N. Schouten, P.W. de Graaf, T.M. Karsten, L.P. Stassen*

*Corresponding author for this work

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PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of a modified technique of creating a defunctioning end ileostomy. METHODS: Medical records of all consecutive patients with a defunctioning end ileostomy with buried efferent limb operated at our hospital between January 2000 and December 2007 were reviewed. The defunctioning end ileostomy with buried efferent limb is created by closing the distal limb and positioning it in the subcutis. Parameters studied were: stomal and reversal related complications. RESULTS: 66 patients were included. Between construction and closure of the stoma, a total of 21 patients (31.8%) developed stoma-related complications. In 1 patient (1.5%) high output occurred, in 6 (9%) stomal retraction and in 4 (6.1%) a parastomal hernia occurred. Peristomal skin problems were observed in 14 patients (21.2%) in the early postoperative period, decreasing to 6 patients (9.1%) after 3 weeks. In 1 patient, stoma closure could not be performed through a local approach and formal laparotomy was necessary. Complications of loop ileostomy as reported in the literature show relatively high rates of peristomal skin and leakage problems. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that end ileostomy with subcutaneous buried efferent limb offers advantages over loop ileostomy with regard to the risk of developing peristomal skin and leakage problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)403-8
JournalDigestive Surgery
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


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